Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life happens...and then you're with Jesus

Well, it looks like we are going to SC this weekend to celebrate the passing of Jessica Weir from this world into the arms of Jesus. I have to say, although it is a strange ordeal (suddenly not being able to see or talk to a person again whenever you want)in that it happens so fast sometimes that it seems surreal, it is rather comforting to know that she is laughing and contra-dancing up a storm in heaven with Jesus right now (that's what I would guess, anyway!) and that it is no sad happening on her part. I guess this means I need to re-size that black dress I got at the shareshop though. Is it weird that I like going to funerals where the person was a Christian? I might cry, especially if it was somebody close to me, but it is a joyful time as well. I don't think I will mind what people wear to my funeral. I like black, just because it is simple and reverent and it doesn't draw attention to yourself, and because it is good to respect the mourning time. However, I wouldn't care if people really dressed up snazzy and colorful for my funeral. I mean, I won't be there, so they can do whatever they want, but seriously--I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I'm gonna be having the most wonderful time of my life (no pun intended), so why not let everybody else party too? Eh, I'm probably a little odd, I don't know. Anyway...that's it for me.


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