Monday, May 17, 2010


Wow, God is amazing. I'm once again floored at how perfect His timing is and how He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. Levi has a job. A full-time, paid-vacation, benefits-included kind of job...and I will still get to see him most of the time. Yes, God knows what we need. What is even cooler is that his boss is a Christian, but the work environment is not. He is going to have a lot of opportunities to just talk to people coming through the office and possibly share the Gospel with them if the doors are opened. We are so excited for this opportunity! Pray that Levi is both bold and hardworking/dedicated to the tasks at hand when he starts June 1st. God is so good:)

We are still waiting on the whole moving thing...we should find out this week if we have a two bedroom apartment over at Glenn Royal Mills. We hope would be so amazing (washer, dryer, dishwasher, lots more room, roughly equivalent rent...). We are also excited to possibly have more contact with unbelievers. It is so easy to just be complacent at seminary, since the majority of people are Christians here. We are getting rusty at sharing the Gospel, and that realization is both convicting and scary. We hope to be able to be a light at this apartment complex, if it is God's will for us to move there, and to grow in our faith as well as in building relationships with people around us, believers and unbelievers alike.

The baby seems to be doing fine--at least, that's what I think since I'm still sick most days. I have had a couple days this weekend that were definitely a gift from God as I was mostly free from all feelings of nausea, so that is a praise. This should be week 15, so we are praying that the morning sickness will wind down soon, but, more importantly, that Levi and I would be able to be content and rejoice and be patient despite feeling yucky or tired, and that we would focus on Christ and His greatness rather than our temporary discomfort. Let me tell you, it hasn't been easy. The baby isn't even born yet, and we are discovering just how much more growing up we both have to do to be halfway decent parents. Yikes. But God is gracious (I am so glad!).

In light of all these praises and blessings, we are also finding ourselves in need. A small thing for God, but a large thing for us, as we don't really have any money to spare thanks to all the bills we had to pay last month. We need a car. Or a motorcycle. Or a scooter. Or a moped. Or a horse-drawn carriage. lol. Levi starts work June 1st, and I am still planning on working up through October. So, after we move (most likely at the end of June or beginning of July), I will still need a way to get to work for the next 4 months. We are willing to borrow, rent, carpool, etc., and I know people in our church who have already said that they would help us out when/if they can, so we know we will be taken care of, we just aren't quite sure of the details yet. But, as I said at the beginning of this post, God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. So no worries. But we would appreciate your prayers on this matter, that's for sure:)

What else is going on? Not much really. Levi is trying to wrap up this semester. He still has a little over a week, week and a half I think. I'm starting to feel like doing a little more around the, packing, organizing. I kinda had the urge to crochet a little today as well...maybe I will finish up some baby gifts after all. I really need to go to the share shop...I'm running out of decent clothing options lol. Especially pants...apparantly I'm not showing very much yet, but I have gained about 7 to 10 pounds, so a lot of things don't really fit me anymore. I've been eating a little better this last week...a lot more salad and fruit, and Levi has been very good at reminding me to drink my water and milk. Hopefully this will continue to be the trend, especially after my nausea goes away. I miss cooking, or at least being able to come up with yummy/healthier things rather than going and grabbing a cheeseburger or something. Levi and I stayed up really late last night...and the resulting sluggishness this morning has definitely strenthened my resolve to try to not take naps in the afternoon (at least not 3 hour naps. maybe like 30 minutes if I'm dying or something).

I need the Gospel. I need it every day. I NEED it...I really was hit by that realization this morning when my department got together for a short time of prayer in my boss's office. Just feeling God's presence there, knowing that He hears us and cares for us and loves it when we worship and praise Him was amazing. I felt freshly convicted about my complacent attitude of late, yet not burdened by the guilt of it as I typically am, but rather inspired and renewed and ready to fight the good fight. Wanting to seek Christ and be a light in the be close to my Savior and to worship God just for Who He is. To proclaim the Gospel to the nations, starting with myself and my family, and going out from there. To be a productive and strong woman of God who honors her husband and strives to make her home a place of comfort and love. To not be a complainer, but an encourager. To seek after Christ wholeheartedly. Yes, I desperately need the Gospel. Every single day. What a fool I am when I think I can make it through the day without saturating myself in the Word of Truth and conversing with my Lord. A poor, miserable fool.