Friday, March 19, 2010

Guess what?!?!?!

Levi and I are going to have a baby in about 8 months:) November something, most likely. What a surprise! And what a blessing! We are so excited:D We found out a week ago on Thursday night, and just had my first "appointment" yesterday afternoon. They said that I was probably right around 4 weeks, so they are going to wait to do the ultrasound in 2 more weeks on April 1st. We are giddy. So many changes are coming...we will have to move out of our little apartment because it is for single married folks with no kids...Levi is looking extra hard for a full-time job...I am dealing with raging hormones right now that generally make me feel a)tired all the time, b)nauseated most of the time, and c)crampy some of the time. However, I have been very encouraged by all the wonderful ladies in small group who have already been there and done that, and by all of their words of wisdom. Overall, it is pretty amazing and awesome...and I know it will only get better from here:) God is so good to us!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Okay...let's get organized...

I have decided to thoughts and projects, anyway. These are my top 3 priorities in each category.

1. Levi's Hippie Pants
2. Tie Dress and Plaid Cloak thingie
3. Fixing a few shirts/dresses so they fit me (and a few for Levi too)

1. Finish 3 more animals for upcoming babyshowers
2. Make baby/child animal hats for the Craft & Bake Sale
3. Make stuffed animals for the Craft & Bake Sale

1. Figure out how to make/find cheap yet cool looking moroccan lanterns/lights for the bedroom
2. Figure out what to do about the nails in the livingroom walls above the doors.
3. Make a rug for the living room.

1. Buy soil and plant flower seeds in windowboxes
2. Don't forget to water.
3. Pray they get enough sunshine!

1. Finish the "tree" series
2. Get mom's pic and ideas and get started
3. Paint something with music/guitars/Levi involved...:D

1. Figure out this whole coupon thing.
2. Cook healthier least twice a week.
3. Have more people over for dinner/dessert/lunch/whatever.

Phew! Well, that was I know why I feel like I haven't gotten anything done! I just have so much I want to do lol. Anyway, I should be busy for a while...goodness gracious. This is enough to keep me occupied the rest of the year, I think. Which reminds me...I should add Christmas presents to the list!!!! It is never too early to get started...especially when you are making it all yourself...

Christmas Presents:
1. Get ideas for everybody on my list
2. Get supplies and make everything BEFORE December
3. Wrap and feel relaxed as everybody else runs around like a crazy person getting last minute gifts. Yay! to start;P

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let me show you something fabulous....

Okay, people, I have one word for you-- ModCloth.

Oh. My. Word.

So cute!!! I am absolutely in LOVE with these dresses...I love the general simplicity, elegance, and whimsy that each piece brings to mind. Check out a few of my favorites:)
Aren't these amazing? I hope to try to figure out how to make my own versions (since I can't dish out the $$$ to buy even one of these amazing creations)

...hmmm....I seriously think that I could live in dresses in the spring/summer. Yeah...pretty much. I am not a huge shorts fan, so dresses seem the best way to go. Plus, they are so ADORABLE! Which one should I try to make first?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life happens...and then you're with Jesus

Well, it looks like we are going to SC this weekend to celebrate the passing of Jessica Weir from this world into the arms of Jesus. I have to say, although it is a strange ordeal (suddenly not being able to see or talk to a person again whenever you want)in that it happens so fast sometimes that it seems surreal, it is rather comforting to know that she is laughing and contra-dancing up a storm in heaven with Jesus right now (that's what I would guess, anyway!) and that it is no sad happening on her part. I guess this means I need to re-size that black dress I got at the shareshop though. Is it weird that I like going to funerals where the person was a Christian? I might cry, especially if it was somebody close to me, but it is a joyful time as well. I don't think I will mind what people wear to my funeral. I like black, just because it is simple and reverent and it doesn't draw attention to yourself, and because it is good to respect the mourning time. However, I wouldn't care if people really dressed up snazzy and colorful for my funeral. I mean, I won't be there, so they can do whatever they want, but seriously--I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I'm gonna be having the most wonderful time of my life (no pun intended), so why not let everybody else party too? Eh, I'm probably a little odd, I don't know. Anyway...that's it for me.


Monday, March 1, 2010

If you can't afford it, make it!

Good morning, all! I must say, it is a beautiful Monday today. Sunshine and lollypops. Anyway, I thought that I would outline a few of my upcoming/pending projects that I am dying to make! A lot of my inspiration has come from the up-cyling clothing world out there, so all of these things that I hope to make are actually being recyled into something new and totally amazing (I hope haha). To start:

1) A tie dress.
No, not a tie dye dress. A Tie Dress. As in "men's neck tie". I have found quite a few of these (surprisingly) online, but this one by a Ms. Hermes on ( really takes the cake. I am planning on modifying it a little bit to better fit my personality...and hips...but it really is so adorable!

2) A capelet/wrap thingie.
Yeah, this one is still in progress. I found a large, floor-length skirt in blue, grey, and black plaid that I really liked. It also has this really cute pleat detail in the back. Anyway, I was thinking about turning it into a dress, when all of a sudden I realized that the plaid was perfect for a hooded cape/wrap! I've seen some cute ones online, but none of them exactly what I was looking for, so I have opted to create my own. Granted, it is turning out to look kinda Victorian/Irish peasant girl (beats me how those two mesh...I guess it's the plaid haha), but I think I'll love it. Perfect timing too, as we are finally inching into spring. It will really be great in the fall too, I think...perhaps a bit more so due to the darker colors. Anyhoo, definitely an adventure!

3)Hippie pants.
This one is actually for Levi. I am going to attempt to cut up a bunch of old green, grey, and brown t-shirts into various shapes of square and rectangle patches, then sew them together to make my "fabric". The idea is to use tshirt material that doesn't really need to be hemmed, to create some spiffy, lightweight hippie pants for my hubby to hang out in. Another adventure, I'm sure.

4)An apron.
Yeah, I know this may not sound like a huge deal, but I have wanted a cute apron for ages, and now it is simply waiting to be created. I found 2 good sized, very cute striped pillowcases at the shareshop last week, and I think they want to be my apron. Yep, I'm pretty sure they do. The plan is to use one and a half of them to create a full, slightly ruffly, "skirt" bottom, and the rest of it to make the top part. Martha Stewart, step aside;)

Well, I do have TONS of more ideas...but I think this is a good start for now. If I finish these projects, then maybe I can start letting myself think about what to do next. So many ideas, and so little time!

Oh, this week's accomplishment, by the way, involved zero sewing (sad, I know...). I cleaned out the kitchen, said goodbye to the lovely paper snowflakes and the rest of the winter/Christmas decor (in the kitchen, at least...there is still that string of lights in the living room that I have yet to take down, as well as the greenery/red berry/pinecone swags over the doors...Levi won't let me take them down until I find something to replace them due to the rather large, unsightly nails we had to use to put them up in the first place. *sigh* I have a few ideas, but mostly I'm drawing a blank. I'm not huge into stuff over doorways throughout the year. Maybe I'll just fill in the holes and do a little touching up...? Any ideas would be great), created spring-y yellow tissue paper flowers for my wonderful vases-full-of-sticks-atop-my-kitchen-cabinets (sounds weird, I know, but they are really pretty darn cute), and bought seeds to plant in my window boxes. Yay! And the dollar store is selling decent sized bags of potting soil...hmmmmm:D

Peace out!