Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby Linville and Job Updates

Well, we went in for our first ultrasound last week, and found out that everything is 100% okay with Little Linville:) We also found out that I am due on November 11, which is a bit earlier than we were anticipating originally--hooray! I don't mind:)

Levi is still on the job hunt, with a very possible opportuniy with Allied Barton Security. We are also looking at a few other options that may work out--it is all in God's hands. It really is hard to be wise though...do you get a job that provides for your family, even though you would very rarely get to SEE said family, or do you hold out for a job that is better suited to life in general? Lots of questions and unknowns...but, once again, God knows, so we are trusting in Him to provide for us and to lead us in the way we should go.

Changes coming up: we will have to move out of our current apartment by the end of May. Thankfully, we have found apartments that are pretty close to the school, actually cheaper/same price as where we are now, and just as neat-looking. Oh, and did I mention that that includes a second bedroom, dishwasher, and room for a washer/dryer...???!!!???!!!! I'm just a little excited here:)

Well, that's it for now...I'm going to go eat my second lunch now:)

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